Can I receive therapy in person?
Yes, absolutely. My office is located in Tsukuba, Ibaraki.
If you’re coming in from Tokyo, Tsukuba is about 40minutes from Akihabara station on the Tsukuba express.
Do I have to be in Japan?
You don’t have to be in Japan, I work with people online all over the world.
Does hypnotherapy work online?
It works just as well as in person. I’ve given countless sessions online, and received quite a few myself, so I can say with confidence it most certainly works from the comfort of your own home.
There are even some advantages to receiving hypnotherapy online.
- It’s can be nice to be in your own space, depending on your home environment.
- You don’t have to travel.
- You can wear whatever you want. Sweatpants, pjs.. whatever is most comfortable for you, I actually encourage it!
What can RTT help with?
RTT is effective for and not limited to:
Fears, Phobias, Anxiety, Depression, Confidence, Self-esteem, Public speaking, Weight, Unexplained infertility, People pleasing, Addiction, Quitting smoking, Habits, Imposter syndrome, Fear of failure, Fear of rejection, Money blocks, Sexual dysfunctions, and General concepts, such as; “why do I get angry when we talk about marriage?”
If you’re wondering whether RTT is right for you, feel free to send me a message or book a free consultation.
What can I expect in a session?
- Sessions generally take between 1.5-2 hours, but can take longer depending on the issue. (I recommend allowing 3 hours of time just in case. The cost does not increase if the session takes more time.)
- You’ll receive an email with some easy pre-session instructions, a pre-hypnosis recording, so you know what hypnosis feels like before we even begin, and an intake form.
- I’ll chat with you and ask some questions so I can learn more about you, and the ideal results you’d like to achieve.
- During your session, I’ll guide you into a hypnotic state, Where you’ll be able to access the information in your subconscious mind to better understand why and where the issue came from.
- You get to view the memories associated with the issue, but you won’t be re-experiencing them. Just viewing them from your adult perspective.
- I’ll use a series of techniques to help you identify and flip old beliefs or coping mechanisms that may be hurting you in your daily life.
- Once your session is finished, I’ll provide you with a personalized hypnosis recording full of everything you tell me you want in your life. The recording is generally around 20 minutes long, and it’s very important you listen to this everyday for at least 21 days.
- I will follow up with you twice throughout the month after the session. This includes 2 follow up counselling sessions, approximately 7-10 days after your hypnosis sessions, and again 21-30 days after.
- I’m also available by email, Mon-Fri 0900-1700 if you have any questions.
Is it confidential?
All sessions are confidential, unless I’m given permission otherwise.
What if I already know the reasons for my issues?
That’s fantastic, knowledge is very powerful!
You can make a conscious effort to change and control your actions and behaviours with that knowledge. But you might have noticed, the thoughts still come back, and the feelings still come up, even when we’re aware. It can take a long time to feel better even after we know why it’s happening.
With hypnotherapy, you can work directly with your subconscious mind, where all the automatic responses begin. I can help you look at it with a magnifying glass so you can understand it even deeper, process it, and let it go completely.
Will I have instant results?
You absolutely can have instant results, however, there are 3 main ways that people notice the changes.
- Immediate- This is when you notice right away, and the changes are very obvious and clear day one.
- Incremental- You start to see the difference over time, usually during the 21 days after the session.
- Retroactive- You don’t notice the changes at all, then one day you suddenly realise.
What does hypnosis feel like?
You can expect to feel very relaxed.
We go into a hypnotic state naturally in our daily lives. Have you ever been driving and you arrive at your destination, but you didn’t pay attention to every detail of how you got there? Or watched a movie and became unaware of your surroundings because you were so engrossed? Those are daily life examples of hypnosis. It’s a very natural mental state. Meditation also feels a lot like hypnosis.
Will I lose control?
Absolutely not! You are in complete control.
You will be more open to suggestions, but you would not do anything that wasn’t aligned with your personal interests. For example, if I ask you to stand up, you might stand up. But if I told you to go make me a cup of coffee, you wouldn’t. Because, why would you?
What about stage hypnosis?
It’s important to note that people who raise their hand for stage hypnosis are ready to go up on stage and do something silly.
They’re aware that it’s for fun, that people will be watching, and they’ll be asked to do something. There’s also an underlying feeling that if they don’t play along, they might ruin the fun!
If they were asked to do something they truly don’t want to do, they won’t.
I’ve seen 3 stage hypnotists in my lifetime. 2 of those times there were a few people that went on stage and ended up getting off early because they didn’t want to do it anymore. You can absolutely break hypnosis, or choose not to do something if you don’t want to do it! It’s just a relaxed state of mind that is open to suggestion.
What if I come up with false memories?
RTT works with the feelings and beliefs that were formed around the memory, not the actual memory. So whether it’s false or not isn’t important for the therapy to work.
What if I remember something painful or scary?
We are just reviewing the memories, not reliving them. You can view your memories from a safe distance if you need to, and I can guide you in that.
You may find that being able to look at these memories again from your adult perspective, and not through the eyes of the child you once were, is really cathartic and healing.
How do I know if RTT is right for me?
You can send me an email, or book a 20 minute consultation call. It’s completely free and there is no obligation to book an appointment. Let’s chat and see if we’re a good fit!
Is there anyone who shouldn't try RTT?
RTT is not recommended for those experiencing psychosis, seizures or severe bi-polar disorder.
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Feel free to send an inquiry at: info@rapidtherapyjapan.com