I t’s interesting that so many people believe depression is caused by a chemical imbalance. For years and years they’ve looked to prove this imbalance and search for genetic links. Yet, if you do any research, you’ll find speculation.
The first page of an internet search may reveal articles riddled with words and phrases such as ‘appears to be,’ ‘researchers may have,’ ‘this could mean.’ And as you scroll about half way down that front page, you’ll see very clear answers. ‘Scientists find no evidence that depression is caused by chemical imbalance or low serotonin levels,’ ‘No single gene has been found that causes depression or anxiety.’
Whatever the intention behind the extensive research to find an imbalance, believing depression is something you just are, creates a feeling of permanence. That nothing can be done, or this is just how you are, but that simply isn’t true. If not a gene or an imbalance, then what could it be?
What can cause depression?

Repressing your emotions is a sure way to cause depression. Difficult situations in life are normal, but some of us didn’t learn how to regulate and release our emotions. Instead, we learned to turn those feelings inward, because, after all, who would listen? The answer for many of us was.. no one. So where do those feelings go if we don’t release them? We store them inside, and they build up over time, resulting in depressive episodes and a consistent, underlying, feeling of discontent and unhappiness.
How does RTT help with repression?
RTT helps you to look at the moments when repression became your coping mechanism. Every person is unique, with their own individual stories, but oftentimes these moments are when you are really young. Too young and limited to have been able to make a proper, informed decision. Putting your feelings away to avoid further pain or rejection is often one of the only options that are available to us as children. In just one session, I can help you look at those moments, question their helpfulness to your life now, and get you on track to living the life you really want.
“Words you hear shape you, but the most important words you’ll ever hear, are the words you say to yourself.”
Marisa Peer, Founder and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy
The critical words you say to yourself
This one is a big factor in almost any mental health issue. The critical harsh words that are set on automatic repeat in your head. One of my favourite questions to ask my clients is, “whose voice is that?” Because it’s certainly not yours. We aren’t born naturally criticizing ourselves. Babies don’t look in the mirror and pick out their flaws. So where did it come from?
How RTT helps with critical words
I can almost guarantee you, the harsh words you hear in your head are not yours. They’re environmental, and they’re learned. So let’s find out where you learned them, and let’s let them go. You’re inner narrative can become positive, encouraging, a cheerleader motivating you forward to live your life to the fullest. Finding out the where and when is often the first step leading to a happy and fulfilling life, so let’s take that first step, and get you feeling great again.

Not living your life’s dream
This one is a bit self-explanatory. If there’s something you want or need to be doing with your life, and you’re just not doing it, it can lead to a slump.. which can lead to depression.
How can RTT help me if I’m not living my life’s dream?
In just one session, I can give you clarity on what’s holding you back. What’s making you believe that you can’t do it? Are the choices you’ve made really serving you? What do you need to let go of, or find again, to make it possible to follow your hearts desires?

Each session with me is catered to each persons unique and individual needs. I will help you to identify what is contributing to the depression, and help you to let go of any old and limiting self-beliefs or unhelpful coping mechanisms.
With each session, you will be able to learn more about yourself, how your mind works, and in turn live a happier, more fulfilling life.